The Psychic Fairy Queen is a mesmerising true tale of bridging dimensions and helping countless people recover from life’s traumas and illnesses through the power of Trust and healing. Jan imparts the wisdom and skills of manifesting life’s desires while sharing the extraordinary stories of her own and others’ miracles.

She felt passionate about writing this book so that others could also benefit from her knowledge and experience that there really is far more to life than we sometimes perceive and that by holding strong intent, absolutely anything is possible if you truly believe it is so.

Jan’s motto has always been ‘LOVE CONQUERS ALL’……because it does.

This is a book of resilience, transformation, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

About Jan’s book

In ‘The Psychic Fairy Queen’, join the extraordinary journey of Jan Murphy as she recounts her remarkable odyssey from fear and torment to fairies and trust, eventually becoming a beacon of hope and healing. At the tender age of ten, a devastating battle with polio left her paralysed, isolated, and seemingly hopeless. But within the confines of her hospital isolation room, she encountered ethereal spirits, setting the stage for a life-changing connection.

These spirits guided Jan through the darkest of times, opening a door to a world beyond the ordinary. As she grew, she realized her calling as a nurse, and later as a healer and Medium. Her path was illuminated by incredible and unbelievable experiences, from encounters with fairies to interactions with extra-terrestrial beings, and the destined meeting with her Twin Flame, her spiritual counterpart.

Photos relating to the chapters in my book

Chapter 1

Making a speech at the opening of my school pool: Proud to be standing without my sticks for the first time

A picture of an iron lung that I talk about in the book

Where the fated reunion of Sean and Jan took place

Aged 30 working in the same isolation room where I was a patient aged 10

Chapter 2

Grace wearing a replica of the Royal London Hospital uniform, although mine came down to my ankles!

The drawing that I did in 1978 when I was in quarantine in Coppetts Wood Isolation Hospital

Demonstrating using the Trexler Isolator tent at Coppets Wood Hospital

A newspaper clipping about the scientist who I nursed in the Trexler Isolator

Chapter 3

Jan’s Trust stones

A diagram of the Universal Calibration Lattice, used to explain what the human energy field looks like

Lorraine Demonstrating the Relaxarium

The room where I communicated with my guide Red Kite

Chapter 4

A photo taken by a professor of some Fairies in Rossendale

This is an American Winged Elf (Angelus mandragora luctus admonum parva americanum)

B&B room where the fairies were first seen by guests

One of the model fairies that were given to children who stayed at the B&B

Chapter 5

My well used Reiki manual

Tibetan singing bowl with my Red Kite feather

Chapter 6

My indoor Metatron’s cube

Regnat Amor on my crystal mandala

Crystals meet geometry

One of the powerful geometries of life

My garden Metatron’s cube

Crystals enjoying their summer solstice cleanse and charge

Chapter 7

I meet Debbie

Mosis can be seen in this aura photo above my head

Chapter 8

Rosalie, happy after a profound manifestation session

Prompts in my garden to reminding me how to manifest good health

My manifestation - a new home

My Aladdin’s lamp in action!

The name of my cottage, meaning faerie kingdom in the Celtic language

Chapter 9

Twin Flame love

Timothy Pope

The room where I first met Nelwah, our ET guides

Chapter 10

Enoch’s Cairn

Twin Flame fun following a Matrix Energetics seminar

Chapter 11

My friend Esti and I

The prophecy came true, I met the man from the Middle East

Releasing trapped energy in trance, through laughter

Teaching a workshop

Chapter 12

Even on holiday in India, I couldn’t resist teaching

One of the holy men

Sunset over the Holy River Ganges

The balcony where we were covered in cremation dust!

My wheelchair wallah

Chapter 13

Louise with her Fairy Godmother!

UFOs on top of Glastonbury Tor

A crystal grid sending out love into the world